With the passage of time, humans are now less connected with the nature. And somewhere or the other, it is a huge reason behind increasing number of diseases and diseased around the globe. Experts state that getting lost into nature helps reduced levels of stress, depression and anxiety. Other benefits include increased resilience, improved self-esteem and improved capacity to engage socially.
Well if you haven’t planned for something similar, you need to learn different benefits of Eco-therapy. Read on some of them here:
Vitamin D:
So, you already know this. Sunlight and vitamin D sounds to be synonymous. But have you put efforts for them? Definitely, not! Thus, one of the major reasons and benefits of spending time outdoors is that it contributes to your good health when your body is the exposed to Vitamin D. This vital vitamin is responsible for many aspects of health. Its deficiency has been linked with a number of health issues like obesity, cancer, as well as some mental disorders, and much more. Although you will get supplemental Vitamin D easily, but your body deeply needs sun exposure to get adequate Vitamin D.
Do you get early in morning? Go for a brisk walk? Or perform yoga? No, because you are too busy. Then few days with nature can help you recover all that you missed out. Spending time in nature generally involves driving into the woods and includes some form of exercise. It could be anything rock climbing, canoeing, swimming, hiking, or any other form. The fact which remains constant is that these outdoor activities include some sort of movement. Hence, even if you aren’t getting enough exercise regularly, moving outdoors provides a chance for fun and exercise, altogether.
Fresh Air:
Do you know that indoor air is up to 70 times more contaminated than the outdoor one? Yes, the reason behind is the plethora of chemicals and plastics present in your homes, more air-tight insulation, windows and doors, etc. Thus, when you go outside to spend some time outdoors, it allows you breathe in fresh air. Best places for this purpose could be like the beach or near waterfalls. Here you can smell the “freshness” in the air and feel the difference.
Eye Health:
Another surprising benefit of spending time outdoors is concerned with your vision. Nowadays the increasing number of eye problems, especially in children, forces you to choose this way out to treat it naturally. As stated above more amount of time spent on screen is one reason. In earlier days, the children used to spend most of their time outdoors. They were more interested in variety of colors, levels of brightness and depths. But now, they spend around seven to eight hours a day on computer or tablet screen, which results to an increase in nearsightedness. Take your kids out and gift them great eye health.
Nature has served with abundance of love and care. All you need to do is just push yourself to step outside of your closet and breather freely. This is something you can do for your good health, that too without investing a hefty amount. Share on your ideas to make the best out of your next visit outside!
5 Healthy Vegetable Juices to Shed Your Extra Weight Naturally
Are you sick of your increasing weight? Let’s face the reality; losing weight is not an easy task for sure. With lots of physical activities, you also need to put your mind to it. While some would suggest you for to join a gym, others will ask you to say no to fried foods. However, the truth is that with physical activities you need to incorporate a healthy diet- nutritious diet. Keeping yourself hungry for hours will not help you.
Luckily, nature has blessed with a number of healthy options which are not only helpful in losing weight, but also great at taste. The below stated fresh vegetable juices fall in the same category, check out:
Bottle gourd Juice:
There are numerous benefits of bottle gourd juice. Ayurveda states enormous benefits and recommend it for people who are yearning for easy solution to lose weight. Besides, if you are suffering from diabetes or dealing with high blood pressure, it is a blessing. Thus, for those who want to skip excessive dieting and those uncomfortable strict diet plans, just half a glass of juice twice a day and you can achieve your target very soon, that too in the most natural way.
Carrot Juice:
It is important to maintain fibers in your daily diet and carrots are significantly high in dietary fibers. Along this, being a rich source of beta carotenes and antioxidants, it facilitates the formation of Vitamin A. Keeping your digestive system in good state, the presence of antioxidants helps reducing the oxidative cell damage. If you are working out at a gym, then having a glass of carrot juice every day will aid in boosting energy level and reducing weight.
Cucumber juice:
When it is about summers, cucumber juice is something you must have daily. While it helps break the fats in the body, it also keeps your body hydrated. So, you beat the heat of the summer days and also lose weight. A glass of cucumber juice will boost the overall metabolic rate and assist in the fat loss.
Beet Root Juice:
Do you want to lose weight and also increase the hemoglobin levels? Or you are suffering from anemia? Finally, you have a solution which helps you with all these problems. Beet root juice is highly recommended for the people who have low hemoglobin levels. On the other hand being rich in dietary fibers, it helps to keep maintain a healthy digestive system. Yes, if you wish to boost the metabolic rate of your body and lose weight efficiently, it is perfect!
Cabbage Juice:
It is already known to be extremely good for the people who face the digestion related problem. The reason being, these are low in calories but rich in fibers. Hence, make sure to add cabbage salads or cabbage juice in your routine. While it will satisfy your hunger, it gives a few calorie additions. Also, cabbage juice to lower down the risk of diabetes, enjoy the dual benefit with one glass of cabbage juice.
So, now while having these tasty vegetable juices, you can reduce the extra pounds. Isn’t it the same thing you have been looking for? What are you waiting for, make one for yourself and step ahead with your own weight loss program!
Trouble-free ways to Treat Joint Pain Naturally!
Well if this happened to you recently, then you are among those millions of people from all over the world affected by joint disorders.
Do you know around 80% of the individuals over 50 years of age are suffering through joint disorder of one type or another? Yes, it is a big a number and with a big range of reasons, varying from obesity to heredity. It can be anything in your case including overexertion, high stress level, improper use of the joints, inappropriate diet, and much more.
Well whatever the reason might be, there are some easy natural solutions which are known to provide relief to your joint pain significantly. Have a look:
Devour on Carrots:
When it is about joint pain, you must know that the carrots can be a savior. Yes, for centuries it has been known as one of the most effective remedy for aching joints. So, from today onwards grate a carrot in a bowl, squeeze half lemon juice on it and enjoy it raw or steamed, whatever you like. You can also sip carrot juice once a day. It simply nurtures the ligaments and relief from the pain significantly.
Count on Fenugreek Seeds:
Another natural remedy that comes from the grandmother’s diary is with tiny fenugreek seeds. All you have to do is soak a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in clean water and leave it overnight. To treat joint ache, in the morning drain off the water and then eat these soaked seeds. Although this would be slightly bitter, however slowly the taste would change and pleasantly turn sweet as you chew.
A Warm Massage:
Give your joints the pleasant tough of natural oil and it will greatly ease inflammation, relaxes your muscles and improves circulation. With warm natural oil massage your joints feel better. To start with, try the home remedy for joint pain in which you just need two tablespoons of mustard oil. Heat it up, and you can also add a whole clove of garlic. While oil heals the joints, the inflammation-fighting properties of clove help providing immediate relief. Make it a habit to massage your aching joints at bedtime.
Yoga will Help:
Sedentary routines, long sitting hours, wrong working posture, etc. are some of the major reason for joint pains. And it certainly discourages you from stretching and doing other physical activities. But restricting your movement will make the problem more severe. So, it is essential to put your hands on some gentle asana which help in contracting and relaxing of your. You can start from 15 minutes of stretching twice a day, say in morning and evening, and take it to more for healthy joints.
Go Herbal:
Nature has blessed with amazing herbs which are proficient in healing several physical disorders. As far as joint pain is considered, there are many herbs and spices which work instantly. Turmeric, ginger, chamomile, hops, guggul, shilajit, and many more are there in the list. Since chronic pain is often a combination of inflammation, you can consider buying herbal solution with solid combination formula. Try on Jod Rakhsak. With appropriate and adequate composition of Shudh Guggul, Shilajit and Ashwagndha, it works magically!
Remember, everyone is different and thus, the treatment for joint pain will differ. Though, it’s best to look for a medical practitioner who can tailor a program for your individual needs. In the meantime, these few tips and solution will help you heal the chronic pain naturally.
5 Stunning Tips from Ayurveda for a Healthy Body and Mind!
If it is asked to define ‘Ayurveda’, it is stated to be the science of life. Found around 5,000 years ago, this holistic system contains a profound knowledge which can be used to understand ourselves, that too within the laws of nature.
Not going too beyond with the terms, what more important is to understand that it can change your life. Yes, this form of science can make you live a healthier and happier life. How? Your answer is somewhere in the 5 amazing ways which ayurveda teaches you. Have a sneak peek:
Start your Day with Warm Water and Lemon:
What was the first thing you had in the morning? Bread and butter, a glass of milk or juice, or anything else; it was not a right start. The tip from ayurveda states that you should make a great start of the day with lukewarm water and lemon. The reason being the acidic qualities of lemon boost the regularity, keeping your digestive system free of toxic build-up. It is a great health tip which let things moving through the different channels of the body smoothly. In addition, lemons contain vitamins and minerals which aid the release of toxins.
Cook Fresh, Keep Fresh:
It could be tiring for you, but it would be great for you and your family. Cooking a fresh meal will show you effective results in few days. In case, you cannot do it always, try to do it as much as possible and strictly avoid processed, canned, frozen or packed foods. Actually, these foods are hard to digest, which built toxins. Moreover, these kinds of foods are generally old and denatured by processing. Several cases have been observed, where harmful ingredients like chemical preservatives were found in these food items. So, make a little effort and eat a fresh, warm food.
Massage your Body, Relax you Mind:
Your skin is thirsty! You might be drinking lots of water and it is really beneficial to keep your skin hydrated. But here it is about the thirst of touch and attention. Give it a pleasant surprise of a warm herbalized oil massage, running your finger gently all over the skin. It could be the best things you have ever done to your body. In fact, your mind will feel pampered and relaxed. Add it to your week routine as it is important to nourish, rehydrate and heal your skin from time to time.
Your Tongue Needs Scraping:
Is your tongue doing fine? No, it is not a weird question. It was meant to bring your attention towards your tongue’s health. Ayurveda states that there is a lot that one can learn about what’s going on in their bodies. All by just simply noticing the characteristics of their tongue! Isn’t that great that a body with healthy organs will show up pretty pink and on the other hand, a body with clogged organs will show up with a layer of fuzz, film, etc. Along this, there is something great you can do to your heath with minimum efforts. Just scrape off those toxins from your tongue. Bring home a tongue scraper which is available at most of the health food stores. Do it gently, working from back to front. Put 14-15 strokes to make it clean and clear.
A Glass of Milk can Help:
The daily schedule makes it tiring for you and most of the times, you return home completely exhausted. It is understood that you cannot let your work go, but what about your health? Luckily, ayurveda has a short solution. Make it a habit, at the end of a tiring day when nothing seem to work, just relax for few minutes and close your eyes. Drink a glass of warm milk, make sure it organic and free of additives. For better results, you can boil it with a pinch of cardamom.
Besides, the above stated tips, ayurvedic physicians also emphasize on the value of good sleep. Hence, try to take complete rest and rise with the sun in morning!
Start Your Day By Eating Any Of These 3 Healthy Indian Dishes!
“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I definitely have a hearty breakfast before I do anything.”- Mayer Hawthorne
In this fast pace world, everyone care for remaining fit. Few skip their breakfasts, avoid eating rice, or don’t prefer eating after 8pm. Actually, when it comes to dieting, there are many misconceptions that surround us. A few of us feels that by skipping meals they can reduce fat, but it’s vice-versa. People who diet by not eating, gains more weight.
But, let me be very clear to you that with the start of our day, our first meal is very important to us. But, due to myriad reason we, somehow, skip our breakfasts. What we do, we simply pick anything that comes in our way and speedily eat it while scrambling for work. It affects the energy level of a person throughout the day. Skipping breakfast makes your day lazy. Our body needs food to run the system well, lack of food can give an invitation call to health problems.
Below are the 3 main Indian dishes that are healthy and good to start a day:
Oats: Oats are the best when it comes to start your day happily. Even if it’s not your regular breakfast, make sure you include it in your diet at least 3-4 times a week. One can try many dishes out of this. Sweet porridge, Upma can be your regular easy diets as they are nutritious and contain high-fiber. Or, if it’s a holiday, then try some new recipes with oats like Oats Idli. Yes! Utilizing oats as a part of the Indian style recipe, can be very dubious as it has a tendency to have a sticky surface. So, it’s a smart idea to dry dish the oats for a couple of minutes before utilizing it. I generally heat the dry packet of oats and store it in a container, to try the quick Indian recipes with it.
Sprouts: As compared to other things, Sprouts are very easy to make with full of advantages. Everything you need is to soak the pulses throughout the night. Then, drain the water and take out the Dal (Pulses) in a muslin fabric and tie a knot. Wait for 7-8 hours. Once the sprouts are prepared, you can include slashed onions, tomatoes and eat them. One can even try making Poha with mixed sprouts. Also, add some sprouted pulses to dough, and make Paranthas of it. Moong dal cheelas is also a famous Indian dish that needs to be tried. Just mash up the soaked dal and mix it well with Besan. For flavor, add coriander or chopped onion to the mixture.
Soya: Soya is a healthy diet with protein and other key supplements. One of the main components of soya is its capacity to accommodate a wholesome option to animal proteins. In the world of vegetarians, soya is looked upon as a marvel bean. Recipes that Soya incorporates is Dosa, Idli, Upma, Uttapam. These are the best Indian recipes served as a breakfast. It contains zero cholesterol with Omega-3 fats, which is useful for the good heart. Also, it is said that every woman should switch to soya diets, when it comes to stay healthy.
So, kick-start your day with a healthy diet and never skip meals especially breakfast.
Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy!
Natural Hangover Remedies: Get Back To Normal State!
Often known as the after-effects of drinking too much alcohol, hangover is a condition which not only causes problem to you, but also to others who are there with you. Well, different people experience various types of effects. Find out some natural remedies to overcome hangover here.
Returning from the party, you feel like puking over and over again? The accelerated heartbeat, strong headache, nausea, irritability, and much more, is happening to you? This could be probably due to hangover. You went for too much alcohol and now going through such problems, isn’t it?
In such a situation, you conclude saying that “I’m never going to drink again”. But certainly, it is hard to keep your promise. Every time you go out for a party with friends and you put yourself into such a situation leading to physiological and psychological side effects. Anxiety, body pain, photophobia, sensitivity to loud sounds, dizziness, fatigue, stomach ache, bad breath, headache, and much more, all these are the different symptoms of hangover. You can wreak havoc on your digestive track, organ function and even your immune system.
To protect yourself from all this, checkout some easy, safe and natural solutions to overcome your hangover:
Overcome with Water: Not only to get over the situation, but also to keep your body hydrated drinking plenty of water is the right solution. You must drink lots of water between your cocktails shots. And in case you feel like groggy or suspect hangover, just start drinking water to rehydrate and flush the impurities out.
Taste the Honey: It has been known for several medical remedies, and even for those who are often in fix after drinking too much alcohol, honey is a miracle food. Actually, it is the fructose which helps metabolize your body. Just having two to six teaspoons of honey every 20 minutes, until you feel better will be helpful.
Tangy Tomato Juice: You like them in vegetable and salads. Now keep them handy for another reason. Similar to honey, you can consider having fresh tomato juice as it also contains fructose that helps your body metabolize alcohol. Being rich in the vitamins, minerals and several essential enzymes, it helps in covering those harmful after-effects of drinking. You can prepare fresh soup or juice, adding one tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and honey. You can add a little cayenne pepper.
Ginger to throw Away Nausea: If vomiting doesn’t stop, you can try nibbling crystallized to reduce nausea. The best way to deal with your problem is combine tangerine pith, ginger and brown sugar. Use it to get rid of nausea and vomiting.
Lemon saves from Harm: Last, but not the least is the ever known –lemon. Balancing the body, it controls the blood sugar level and alters the pH level. It significantly relives you from after-effects of such as queasiness, muscle pain, sensitivity to light and sound, dizziness, and many more. What you can do is, in a glass of warm water add one teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of fresh lemon juice. Take it two or three times, or more if required throughout the day.
In addition, drinking too much alcohol not only causes hangover, but can also lead to dehydration and the toxic effects can seriously harm your liver, brain, sensory perception, gastrointestinal system, central nervous system and much more. Hence, it is always advisable to consume it in small quantity!
Learn how to Enhance your Overall Health with Ayurveda!
Being an ancient holistic healing system, ayurveda is known to diagnose and treat several ailments. Basically, it is a science which emphasizes on life and is said to be invented about five thousand years ago. With a focus on restoring stability through perfect diet, standard of living, exercise and purification, it includes a lot for body, mind and spirit’s well-being.
It is the one of the oldest and popular form of medicine known to world. When it is about natural and safe ways to live healthier and happier lives, ayurveda is the name trusted worldwide. It is considered to be a system of medicine, which was originated in India several decades ago and is based on different ways to prevent, manage, and treat health problems. There are numerous ways to keep the body in balance through ayurvedic treatments. Some of them are listed below, have a look:
Say ‘Hello’ to Sunlight:
If you wish to stay healthy and fit in long term, sun can help you. You can perform yoga and other simple exercise in sunlight. Doing so will keep synovial fluids circulating in your joints, protecting you from stiffness and arthritis. While doing yoga regularly keeps you fit and active, sunlight act as a super stress buster, which also generates vital energy force. This one is especially for those who have long sitting hours and poor posture. You can go for three rounds of the sun salutation daily both the times, in the morning and evening.
Go Fresh, go Healthy:
Do you feel more at stress these days? Well, it is not good for your mental health, but do you know how harmful it can be for your digestive system? Yes, this is due to an increase in adrenalin, which is produced in your body due to stress. If this problem left you more in worries, then the solution will definitely delight you! It is warm and freshly cooked food. Actually, a meal of warm foods needs less digesting and makes you feel satisfied. Hence, start cooking something fresh for yourself and your family.
Breathe in Fresh air, Breathe out Stress:
Now you must be saying that what’s new in breathing? It is a vital activity of life, and you have been doing it well. But are you doing it right way? Yes, the right way. Ayurveda states that you must breathe through both nostrils, rather than through your mouth. It keeps your blood chemistry in a state of equilibrium. Try to take a deep breath whenever possible in fresh air. The reason being, when you use the full capacity of your lungs, it removes the accumulated carbon dioxide and make you more energized.
The Magic of Oiling:
You can use any natural oil for this purpose. The idea behind is quite simple, massaging oil brings immediate benefits. It can be use to improve the texture of your skin, boost healthy sleep, brings a radiant glow, and much more. As far as the right time to oil is considered, it is in the morning before you bath. Though you can opt for any oil including coconut, almond, etc., sesame oil is preferred because it is light and penetrates well. For maximum benefits, apply it in direction of the growth of the hairs.
Add Hot Water to your Routine:
It is understood that today’s hectic working schedule doesn’t allow you to keep a regular check on your diet, exercise and much more. All this collectively leads to several disorders and general stress, called as ‘ama’, which accumulates in your body. Basically, it is the undigested food juice which when floats around your bloodstream becomes a reason of number of diseases. To fight back all these symptoms, there is a simple and easy solution in ayurveda. Just add hot water to your routine. Make it a habit to sip warm water about every half an hour throughout the day.
Making Meditation a Part of Life:
Want to keep your mind and body fresh without putting many efforts? Then, sit down in a calm place and start meditating. You can start with 15 minutes, twice a day and take it to one hour gradually. It offers greater relaxation and ward off the effects of stress. The only thing you need to take care of is that you have to be committed and continue the practice daily.
Count on Triphala:
Just like the effortless method of meditation which works for you on the mental level, if you are yearning for a simple and easy way out to keep physically fit, triphala is the answer. Being a popular herb in the Ayurvedic scriptures, it is well known for its rejuvenating properties. With a long of list of uses, it is widely accepted to keep the colon cleansed and toned. Try it in powder or tablet form, and step toward better immunity, enhanced mental faculties and much more. Moreover, it slows the ageing process and serves all tissues of your body.
For most effective results, try having half a teaspoon with a cup of warm water before going to bed!
Wear your Natural Instinct:
Have you ever confronted with those urges your body intimate you about, from time to time? While some are easier to recognize, others are not. Ayurveda don’t recommend suppressing your physical urges like breathing, sleeping, urinating, defecating, coughing, crying, eating, drinking, ejaculating, vomiting and yawning. This means, it is sensible to express your urges appropriately. Hence, when you are sad, give time to cry out. It keeps you in balance.
Take a Deep sleep:
In the hush rush of your life, it is understood that you don’t get enough time to take rest and sleep well. But do you know how much harm you have been doing to your body unknowingly? Ayurveda says that it is improper sleep hours which lead you to disease and the lack of rest which makes your senses switch off. The amount of your sleep your body needs will vary with your age. For example, the little babies sleep whole day long, and when you grow up, it is important to take a minimum sleep of 6 hours per night. Another thing you need to learn here is that Ayurveda doesn’t recommend sleeping during the day. It is the deep and regular sleep in the night hours which can help you build a healthy lifestyle.
Hear and Follow the Inner Voice:
Besides the urges, to keep you balanced and centered, always follow and listen to that inner voice which warn and suggest you in all times. This will help you make better decision and stay happy in long run.
5 Way out to Control Low Blood Sugar Levels at Home
Nowadays, more and more people seem to be affected with several health problems. And certainly low blood sugar level is one of them. Being a chronic disease, it can lead to many health problems, if left untreated. However, the good news is that just making changes a few additions to your diet can significantly boost the blood sugar level. Read on to know more.
Are you are prone to hypoglycemia? Well, it is a condition of comparatively low blood sugar levels.
As per the American Diabetics Association, hypoglycemia is a condition of blood glucose levels running below 70mg/dl. If your sugar level is getting lower, it is matter to worry. There could be different reasons behind this. Often it is due to fluctuations in blood glucose levels in the circulatory system and skipping meals regularly. At times, excessive activities can also be a cause behind. Well, whatever the reason is, it is important for you to learn about the safe and natural ways to treat it.
Below are listed some simple, easy and efficient remedies to regulate low blood sugar levels:
A Healthy Breakfast
Kick start your day with a nutritious breakfast. Remember, a great and healthy start keep you fresh and active whole day long. Ensure that your diet consist more of protein than carbohydrate. Reason being, proteins are digested slowly and sugar is released at a slower rate into the blood stream. Thus, it simple maintains the blood sugar level. Hence, add skimmed milk, avocados, chicken, cheese, beef, pulses, etc. instead of cereals, muffins and juices.
Bye-bye Caffeine
Your love for the cup of coffee is understood. But, this can be dangerous for your health. Yes, a number of studies sates that caffeine interferes with glucose metabolism. In order to avoid lowering of blood sugar level, you need to restrict your coffee intake. Though you can enjoy one cup a day, yet you need to cut down on other caffeinated drinks throughout the day.
Honey is good
Being a multifunctional health element, honey is a superb addition to your routine. It contains natural sugar which is not only easily digested, but also well absorbed into the blood. Hence, it maintains a normal blood sugar level. Just adding 1 tablespoon of honey can show amazing benefits.
Control Refined Diet
Daily you consume a lot of refined food item like pastas, noodles, bread, polished rice, and much more. Do you know they can cause imbalance of blood sugar level? Yes, it is due to these food stuffs which make you to increase the dose of insulin injection. Avoid them or replace them with brown rice, whole wheat or whole grain breads.
Alter your Food Habit
It is highly recommended that instead of having large meal try to consume small quantities. So, from today onwards make it a habit to have something to eat every few hours. It retains the normal level of sugar in your blood. You can keep some healthy snacks, nuts, seeds or fruits in your bag always.
Remember, optimal health is directly related to how efficiently your body balances blood sugar levels. So, whenever you experience some or the other symptoms of hypoglycemia, don’t ignore it and follow the above stated solutions!
Herbal Remedies for Winter Problems- adding Ease and Care to your Routine!
Now that winter is on full swing, a number of people are suffering from different winter problems. Ranging from the dry skin to the cold and cough issues, there is a lot you need to go through every winter season. But do you know, you can really escape from these? How? Find out!
Days have become short, temperature is trolling down, and finally, it’s the most awaited season of the year. Winters are special in several terms. Some love them for the festive nature, while some love to enjoy cozy sleeps in long night hours. Besides, all the fun and colors of winters, this season is also known for some odd reasons. They are known to cause cold, cough, and several other health problems.
For this you need to rush to your doctor, isn’t it? And definitely, you don’t like this at all. However, you can skip this out and spend a great winter time. All you need is to learn some herbal remedies. Find out some useful herbal solutions for these winters here.
Clear the winter Cough!
Cough is definitely one of the major problems in cold days. So, all you need to do is blend one teaspoon each of ground cinnamon and cloves. To this mixture, add a teaspoon of ginger juice. Pour it in half a glass of warm water. For a better taste, you can add honey and take it thrice a day. It is highly effective for curing lingering winter cough attacks.
Good-bye joint pains!
In winters, it is difficult to step out for early morning and evening walks. This at times, causes severe joint pain. However, not anymore! You can now easily get rid of joint pain by a gentle massage of this herbal mixture, which can be prepared easily at home. Just grind half teaspoon of powdered carom seeds with six pods of garlic. To this, you need to add two tablespoons of hot mustard oil. Make it a habit to massage painful joints in morning and evening for relief from winter pains.
No more stomach cramps!
That pain somewhere across your abdomen bothers you a lot? Finally, you have a natural treatment. You need carom seeds, honey and fresh milk. Firstly grind a teaspoon of carom seeds. To the powdered seeds add four tablespoons of fresh cold milk and one tablespoon of honey. You need to consume it three times a day.
Heal your cracked lips!
Those chapped and cracked lips are painful and yes, they look horrible. This winter gift your lips a natural healing solution. You need few rose petals and thick edible cream, which is readily available in your kitchen. Blend the rose petals and form a thick paste. Every night add cream to the rose petal paste and massage your lips gently. In few days, dry lips will be replaced by soft and supple ones.
Mend your dry skin!
Use of soaps, dehydration and other products in winters, make your skin go dry. For this, you might be using a number of expensive moisturizers, creams and solutions. But, do you know a simple, natural and herbal treatment can lead you to soft, healthy and radiant skin? Yes, it is possible now. Just whip the yolk of an egg, blend it thoroughly with a tablespoon of papaya paste. Now apply it to the dry skin including your face, neck, hands, etc. Allow it to dry for an hour and rinse thoroughly. It will definitely leave behind a glowing skin.
Many of these herbal treatments have been passed down through the generations. Not only are they highly useful, but also easy to prepare at home. Thus, it saves you time and money, offering you a great health!
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