Category Archives: Jod Rakshak

Exercising with Arthritis: Important Things to Keep in Mind

Exercise is important for people with arthritis. It improves flexibility and strength, minimizes joint pain, and helps deal with fatigue. Of course, when stiffness and pain in the joint are already troubling you, the thought of doing workouts or jogging can seem stressful.

But you don’t need to do intense gym workouts or running to ease arthritis symptoms. Even a light workout can help reduce pain as well as help you maintain your weight.

When arthritis impacts your mobility, exercises help you keep moving. It strengthens the muscles around the joints; helps you control weight; improves the quality of sleep and improves your balance as well.

Though you might be avoiding exercise just because you think that it can hurt your affected joints, it is just a misconception. Not doing any workout actually can aggravate the pain and stiffness in the joint. This is because the strength of muscles and surrounding tissues is important for the support of the bones. A lack of physical activity can weaken those supporting muscles, increasing stress on the joints.

Ask Your Doctor First:

First of all, consult your doctor about the right workout for the condition of your joint. What types of workouts can go well depends on your arthritis type as well as which joints are involved. Your doctor or a physical therapist can work with you to create the right exercise plan.

Choose the Low Impact Workout:

Your physician or therapist can suggest exercises for you, which might include strengthening exercises, range of motion exercises, aerobic exercise, and other activities.

Range of motion workouts helps relieve stiffness and improve your ability to move the joints through their full range of motion. For example, you can raise the arms over the head or rolling the shoulders forward and backward.

Strengthening workouts help you build strong muscles to support and protect your joints. It is important to take a rest a day between your workouts. And avoid doing the same muscle groups two days in a row.

Aerobic workouts can support your overall fitness as they can control your weight, improve your cardiovascular health and increase your stamina and energy. Walking and bicycling are two of the easiest aerobic workouts.

Always Warm Up:

Make sure to warm up before doing any workout. A warm-up slowly revs up your cardiovascular system by increasing your body temperature and improving blood flow to your muscles. Warming up can also help ease muscle soreness and reduce the risk of injury. Start slowly and get up to speed once you feel“warmth” in your muscles and joints.

Apply Heat Before Doing Workout:

You can also warm up the muscles by applying heat to relax your muscles and joints before you start any workout. Heat treatments—hot packs, a shower, or warm towels—should be comfortably warm and applied for nearly 20 minutes.

Apply Cold Compress After Doing Workout:

If you experience joint swelling after doing workouts, you can ease it using a cold compress. Cold can minimize swelling, inflammation, and pain caused by arthritis and activity. You can use heat compress before a workout and cold therapy after exercise. It is easy to make a cold compress. Just wrap some ice cubes in a towel or place a damp towel in a plastic bag in the freezer for 10-20 minutes. Then use the towel and place it on the affected parts. Avoid applying direct ice to the affected area.

Do It Slowly:

Don’t get carried away by the intensity you feel during the workout. Always use slow and gentle movements. If you experience pain or swelling, make sure to take a break.

So these are some workout tips you should practice if you have arthritis. It is all about consulting your doctor and doing the workouts more safely. What do you think? Let us know by commenting below!


Rheumatoid Arthritis – Indian Diet Plan

One of the most common types of arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, is still baffling scientists the world over. Patients suffering from this disease face pain and swelling in the joints of bones. The suffering can be reduced by following a carefully devised diet plan that is based on an Indian diet chart.

Vulnerabilities of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is suspected to be the result of aging and consumption of unhealthy food items. It is found to be more prevalent in women over the age of 40 years. Another cause is the presence of uric acid in unusually high levels in the human body.

Suggested food items for patients suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis

The suggested Arthritis Diet Plan for patients having rheumatoid arthritis can be broken down into four categories:

  1. Vegetables and Fruits: Papaya, Cucumber, Apple, Drumstick, Pointed Gourd (Parwal), Indian Round Gourd (Tinda), Bitter Gourd (Karela), and Bottle Gourd (Lauki).
  2. Lentils (Dal): Red Lentil (Masoor Dal), Pigeon Peas (Arhar Dal), and Mung Bean (Moong Dal).
  3. Grains: Wheat, Barley, and Old Rice. Old rice is preferred because of the dried and dehydrated nature of rice grains.
  4. Other Foods: Buttermilk, Creamless Milk, Lukewarm Water, Ghee, Garlic, Ginger, Rock Salt, Black Salt, Oil, Black Pepper, Coriander, Cumin, Castor Oil, Asafetida (Hing), Celery, and Fennel.

Food items to be avoided while suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis

A patient with rheumatoid arthritis should avoid the following food items:

  1. Vegetables and Fruits: Root vegetables such as Potato, Carrots, and Radish, Mustard Vegetables, Ladyfinger.
  2. Lentils (Dal): Black Chickpeas (Kala Chana), Chickpea (Chana), Garbanzo Beans Kabuli Chana), and Peas.
  3. Grain: Refined Wheat (Maida) and New Rice.
  4. Other Foods: Fish, Milk, Yoghurt, Jaggery, Cold Drinks, Chilled Water, Cold Food, Excess Salt, Impure Water, Dry Vegetables, Hard-to-Digest and Fried Items, Food Infected with Fungus.
  5. Food Items to be Strictly Avoided: Spicy and Oily Food, Food Prepared from Refined Flour, Fast Foods, Pickles, Oily Food, Canned Food, JunkFood, and Non-Vegetarian Soup.

Suggested Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet Plan  with an Indian touch

  1. Immediately After Waking Up
    • Before brushing your teeth, consume a glass of lukewarm water on an empty stomach.
    • Take some Aloe Vera juice and Indian Gooseberry (Amla) before having your breakfast.
  2. For Breakfast
    • Single-cup of coffee or tea made from low-fat milk.
    • Poha / Upma (Semolina) / Sprouted Grains / Oatmeal (Namkeen Dalia) / 2-3 Multigrain Biscuits / Fruit Salad (Apple, Banana, Papaya).
  3. For Lunch
    • A couple of thinly cooked chapatis (Indian Bread).
    • 1 plate of green salad.
    • 1 bowl of boil green vegetables.
    • 1 1 bowl of moong dal.
  4. Evening Tea-Time Snack
    • Any beverage that has low-fat.
    • A couple of biscuits or a cup of vegetable soup.
  5. For Dinner
    • A couple of thin chapatis.
    • 1 bowl full of moong dal.
    • 1 bowl of green vegetables that are rich in fiber.
  6. Half an hour before Bedtime
    • Mix 15 ml castor oil in 1 cup of milk or lukewarm water and drink it 30 minutes before you sleep.

Focus Areas for Patients Suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Avoid internal organ injuries
  • Maintain a bare minimum physical movement of the body and bone joints by exercising
  • Regulate your weight. If it is beyond the normal range, consider doing some activities to shed some weight.
  • Avoid stretching of muscles and joints.

Some Basic Things to Look After if Suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Try to wake up early, before sunrise if possible.
  • Take proper care of dental hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day and cleaning your tongue every day.
  • Practice Yoga and Meditation every day.
  • Eat freshly cooked warm means, in a calm and quiet place, with a positive mind and a smile on your face.
  • Span out your meals into 3-4 times a day but don’t skip meals.
  • Try to fast once a week.
  • Eat slowly and chew your food properly.
  • Each meal should be followed by a 3–5-minute walk as it helps with digestion.
  • Avoid staying up late at night and sleep early instead.

While Rheumatoid Arthritis is a painful disease, the pain and agony can be overcome by following a carefully planned diet plan with natural supplements and maintaining the basic physical activity of the body.


5 Best Healing Herbs You Should Know

It is easy to undervalue the power of herbs we often reach for OTC medicines for headaches, poor digestion and other common health problems. Many of us have been used to prescription drugs. However, there are certain herbs you can use to treat your common health issues without being addicted or experiencing any side effects. The use of natural herbs and plants dates back to ancient time.

Here is a rundown of some important healing herbs for your common health issues.



Ginger is a popular herb for various stomach problems, such as dizziness, nausea, colic, stomach pain, gastric problems, and diarrhoea, nausea caused by cancer treatment, nausea and vomiting after surgery or loss of appetite.

Other uses include the treatment of arthritis pain or muscle aches, menstrual pain, upper respiratory tract infections, coughs and bronchitis. It is also useful for treating chest pain, back pain and stomach pain.

You can use fresh ginger juice to treat burns. Ginger is also a commonly used spice.

Liquorice or Mulethi:

Liquorice or Mulethi

Liquorice is a panacea for digestive issues such as stomach ulcers, heartburn, colic and continuous inflammation of the stomach lining (chronic gastritis). Some people also use it for sore throats, bronchitis, coughs, and infections caused by bacteria or viruses.

Moreover, it is useful in osteoarthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, liver problems, malaria, tuberculosis, food poisoning and chronic fatigue syndrome.



Ginseng is a highly recommended herb by both modern Western herbalists and traditional Chinese doctors. It is said to stimulate and strengthen the central nervous system in cases of physical exertion fatigue, weakness due to illness or injury, and emotional stress.

The impact of ginseng on the nervous system and its ability to promote relaxation means that it is useful in all problems caused by stress, such as insomnia or anxiety.

Ginseng can improve your endurance as well as enhance your sexual performance. After all, it is a powerful aphrodisiac and can be useful for maintaining the strength in reproductive organs. It also helps prevent or treat erectile dysfunction caused by prostate disease or stress.

Various animal and human studies have found that ginseng can reduce the likelihood of cancer.

Dandelion or Singhparni:

Dandelion or Singhparni

Dandelion is used to treat many problems, although its efficiency is yet to be confirmed by medical studies.

This herb is used for loss of appetite, stomach pain, intestinal gas, gallstones, joint and muscle pain, eczema and bruises. Dandelion is also used to increase urine production and as a laxative for bowel movements. It also has properties as a skin tonic, blood and digestive tonic.

In some cases, dandelion is used to treat infections, especially those of viral origin, and cancer. You can use dandelion in green salads, soups, wines and teas. Or you can replace coffee with its roasted roots.

Sage or Tejpatta: 

 Sage or Tejpatta

Sage is one of the medicinal herbs that improve digestion, asthma, bacterial and fungal infections and bile production, as well as calm and stimulate the nervous system, treat colds and coughs, etc.

Sage essential oil is beneficial for memory and concentration, especially in the case of Alzheimer’s.

Besides, it can relieve pain caused by muscle stiffness, rheumatism or neuralgic problems. It helps to decrease nervous tension, anxiety, headaches, stress and fatigue.

It is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding or for those suffering from seizures. The excessive consumption of this plant can cause toxicity.

So these are some common healing herbs you can use to treat your common health issues. However, it is important to see your doctor if you have severe health problems beyond the control of these herbs.


Arthritis Management in Summers

Warm weather is considered to be bliss for most of us, but it can have certain effects on people suffering from arthritis. There is a saying often shared by arthritis patients where they say that they can determine the weather based on how their joints are feeling.

Some arthritis patients have trouble in their joints where they suffer from joint pains and stiffness during winters while others during summers. It depends from person to person about their sensitivity to weather and also the level of activity and exercise plays a crucial role.

Even though the exact reason why arthritis pain is affected by weather is not known, there are two theories for the same.

According to the first theory, being active helps in relieving arthritis pain and during winters and damp weather, there is a less physical activity which aggravates stiffness and pain in the joints.

The second theory suggests that the pain felt in the joints is affected by the pressure in the air outside. Extreme temperatures hot or cold can cause a lot of discomforts.

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis not only affects joints but also has its effects on the tissues surrounding the joints as well as other connecting tissues.

Patients with arthritis experience tenderness or inflammation in one or more of their joints. Presently, more than 100 types of arthritis have been identified.

There are 5 commonly identified types of arthritis-

  • Osteo Arthritis
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Gout
  • Psoriatic Arthritis

Effects of Summer on Arthritis

As there is more retention of water in the body during summer when the weather conditions are hot, one’s body tends to develop swollen joints.

The sensory nerves which are present in the joint continuously respond to weather changes. The fluids in the joints are also affected by humidity and temperature changes. These changes in the level of fluids tend to reduce the lubrication in the joints. This causes pain and inflammation as well as causes stiffness in the ligaments, muscles, and tendons.

With the rising humidity in the surrounding areas, there is an expansion in the ligaments, muscles, and tendons which causes an increase in the pain. The body can also feel dehydrated during humid days resulting in a decrease in fluids around the joints causing an increase in pain.

Apart from this, the change in barometric pressure affects the tendons and muscles expanding and contracting them. This leads to extreme pain caused by arthritis.

Summer also affects people suffering from chronic joint pain or arthritis making it intolerable for them.

Summer Care Remedies for Arthritis

Following these simple tips and remedies will help in relieving arthritis pain during the summer season.

Staying Indoors

Staying indoors is advised where the humidity and temperature in the environment are controlled. Staying out for a longer duration can lead to aggravation in the inflammation of joints leading medicines to be less effective.

Dehumidifiers can also be used for relief purposes.


It is very important to remain hydrated by drinking a lot of water and other fluids which help in maintaining the levels of electrolytes in the body. It is advisable to refrain from sugary as well as caffeine drinks and alcohol as these tend to dehydrate the body.

Summer Clothing

It is preferable to wear natural fiber and comfortable clothing. Cotton clothes are the best option as they are comfortable and loose. They help to evaporate the body sweat and help in keeping the body cool as well as to breathe.


Swimming and other water activities are a great way of staying active when the heat becomes too much for other outdoor activities. The pressure on the joints is relieved by the buoyancy of water while swimming.

Yoga and Exercise

Yoga and exercises are a great way of improving flexibility and joint pains. They also help in reducing the stress in joints. But it is advisable to consult your doctor before beginning any exercise or yoga.


Foods having anti-inflammatory properties and those which are rich in anti-oxidants should be eaten. It is best to eat seasonal fruits like watermelon, strawberries, cherries, and pomegranate, and more which help in reducing inflammation in joints.

vegetables like tomatoes, lettuce, beetroot, red bell peppers, and more are also good for summer.

There are certain foods that should be avoided such as salty food, food with preservatives, processed food, and food that are deep-fried. Drinks with a lot of sugar content including soft drinks and alcohol must be avoided.

Other Remedies

During extreme heat, it is advisable to pour running water over the wrists or applying a washed cloth dipped in cold water to cool yourself. This helps in maintaining the temperature of the body.

Using ice packs or cooling pads directly on the joints is also advised.

Anti-inflammatory supplements should only be taken on the doctor’s prescription as they reduce the flow of blood to the kidneys.

Staying hydrated during the summer helps in preventing muscle cramps and heat strokes.

Despite extremely cold weather being unfavorable for patients with arthritis does not mean that summers are good for them. The body can be physically drained out during the summer season, even so, you must handle these extreme heat conditions smartly with the help of the tips and remedies given above.

You can make the most of the summer season without letting arthritis dampen your spirit of enjoyment.


Rheumatoid Arthritis & Life Hacks

Each day can be different when you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. It is a medical condition when your body’s joint linings are targeted by the immune system. Rheumatoid arthritis affects both sides of the body simultaneously – both knees or both elbows, apart from also affecting other organs such as eyes, heart, lungs, nerves, skin, and even blood. To reduce the pain and stress caused by rheumatoid arthritis in your body, follow the shortcuts and tricks shared below. These will help you to conserve energy, stay organized, and ease the strain on your body.

Listen to your body

To better take care of your plans, and adjust your body accordingly, it is important to understand what is going on inside your body.

  • Focus on long-lasting pain – If there is a pain in your body that lasts for more than an hour, or if you notice swelling in your joints after a particular activity, it means that your body has taken on way more than it can handle. You need to relax and reimagine how to perform the same task with a lesser stress level next time.
  • Pace yourself – Spending each day while suffering from rheumatoid arthritis can seem like a marathon in itself. It is wise to pace your day and not sprint all day and get exhausted. Take breaks between tasks and never do two heavy-duty tasks in a single stretch.
  • Move carefully – Refrain from putting stress on your joints. This will cause fewer injuries and less pain. While standing, make sure to keep a certain distance between your feet. For better balance, place one foot in front of the other. If there is a need to keep standing for a while, use a chair or a wall to lean on to reduce the load on your body.
  • Reduce physical stress – Using a neck pillow or a rolled towel while working at a desk, or using a footrest to keep your ankles, knees, and hips at a 90-degree angle concerning your torso, can be a good step to reduce the strain on your muscles. Sitting or standing in one spot for too long can make you go stiff, and it can be avoided by moving around and stretching your body at regular intervals.

Make home tasks more manageable

Use the following list of cheats to manage household chores.

  • Spread tasks over a weekly schedule – You need to break down your weekly household chores into smaller tasks, spread over each day of the week equally. For example, you can choose to do laundry one day, mopping the other. For mopping, you can break it down further by choosing one floor or room per day.
  • Get the right tools – Tools such as dusters, brooms, and vacuums, are lightweight tools that make the chores easy so that you don’t end up putting a lot of stress on your joints.
  • Gentle body movements – While cleaning your house, use a push motion (sweeping, mopping) instead of a pull motion. If your knees are feeling the pressure, either alternate between both knees to distribute the pressure equally or use knee guards. Alternate between sitting and standing tasks.

Run errands efficiently

Efficient management or daily errands does not seem to be on the top of the list for most people, but it can work wonders.

  • Create an errand list – Preparing a list of what items you need for each room or each task will help you get the complete set of items from the market. Otherwise, you might forget to purchase an item(s) and then would have to make a second trip to get it.
  • Place online orders for heavy items or when you need to order in bulk. These items will get delivered straight to your home.
  • Advance planning –This is the most important step as you need to prepare a prioritized list of errands with the most important errand being on top and then follow it with the tasks in decreasing order of their importance. You will want to have the important tasks finished first, in case your body needs a rest due to fatigue or pain.

Keep cooking simple

Do not invest too much time or effort in cooking.

  • Prepare multiple meals in one go – If you are in good health and feeling active, you should prepare multiple meals at once which can then be stored in your freezer or fridge for use on other days when you are in pain and can’t work.
  • Hang utensils on a wall – the ones which you use frequently. This will save you time and effort when you have to use them next.
  • Emergency plan – If you are having a bad day and just are not able to cook, you should have a list of vendors who can deliver healthy food items to your home.

Use tools to take pressure off

Certain devices can increase your comfort levels considerably and improve your capability to perform certain tasks. This will put less strain on your joints. Consider the following assistive devices to invest in:

  • Heating pad
  • Easy-grip utensils for the kitchen
  • Handrails and a sturdy chair for use in the shower
  • An extendable grabber tool that can help you reach items and open doors which are at some distance from you
  • A spare can for your home or car

If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you will need to take proper care of yourself. Taking the aforementioned points into consideration will help you live comfortably through it.

Arthritis Pain Relief: Hand and Finger Exercises

Rheumatoid Arthritis causes a lot of stiffness and pain in the fingers and relieves hands which keeps you from doing everyday tasks that might be simple. This is because the disease affects the cartilage of a joint and this cartilage plays the role of cushioning between the bones.This pain in the joints can worsen when you use your hands for repetitive tasks like typing or picking utensils while losing strength in your hands.

Apart from getting medical treatment for arthritis, you can indulge in self-care at home by following some easy exercises. These hand exercises will help you strengthen muscles to support the joints and perform movement of hands with ease. These hand movements can also help you keep the tendons and ligaments flexible and improve the function of the joints.

Let’s discuss a few exercises that can help you:

Making a Fist

When you feel your hand is feeling a little stiff, do this exercise. It is very easy and comfortable to do anywhere and in your time. To make a fist, hold your one hand out keeping all your fingers straight. Then fold your hand forming a fist. Keep your thumb on the outside and fingers in. Open and close your hand straightening again and again. Repeat it at least 5 times in the beginning, increasing it with time. Repeat this exercise with the other hand.

Bending Fingers

Another exercise that you can do from the comfort of your home is the finger bending exercise. You can practice it anywhere. Hold your hand out keeping all the fingers straight, start by bending your thumb towards your palm. Holding it for a couple of seconds straightens it back. Now, bend the index finger of the same hand and repeat the process. Then with the middle, ring, and little finger. Repeat the entire process with the other hand.

Making an ‘O’

For this exercise, start by putting one hand outside and straightened fingers and thumb. Now, turn your fingers inwards to touch your thumb forming an ‘O’. hold on to the O for some seconds and then open your hand again straightening the fingers. Repeat this at least 5 times to begin and then keep increasing with time. Now repeat the entire process with the other hand. You can do this whenever you have time and anywhere in the day.

Table Bends

For this exercise, put your hand on the table and place it horizontally keeping the little finger side on the lower end and your thumb pointed upwards. Now, keeping your thumb in the same position turn all the fingers of this hand inwards touching the palm for your hand. This position will make an ‘L’ shape. Hold it for a few seconds and then straighten your hand moving back to the open hand position. Repeat this at least 10 times in the beginning and increase with time. Repeat the exercise with the other hand.

Lifting Fingers

This is another exercise where you will require a table. Place one hand on the table keeping your palms inside. Now start by trying to lift each finger one by one keeping all the others still down. First your thumb, then all the fingers. Hold each finger for 2 seconds and then bring it back down. Repeat this with the other hand and keep repeating alternatively for 4-5 times in the beginning and keep increasing with time.

Wrist Twist

For this exercise, keep your hand straight and then form a fist keeping all your fingers inward and thumb on the out. Now, twist this fist into 360 degrees from the wrist. Do a minimum of 10 twists and then move up with time. Repeat this with the other hand. Keep doing this alternatively for 3 to 4 rounds.

Wrist Stretch

Let’s give our wrists some exercise and relieve it from the soreness due to arthritis. For this exercise, hold your arm out with the palm facing downwards. Now, with the other hand gently push the hand down towards your wrists. Do not put a lot of effort, just till you feel a stretch in your arms. Hold this position for a few seconds and then repeat it with the other arm. Repeat this exercise about 10 times and increase with time and practice.

Walking Fingers

For this exercise, you will need a table. Keep one of your hands on the table and fold the ring and little finger inwards covered with the thumb which is also folded inwards. Now, walk the index and middle finger front and back to a distance of about five steps. Repeat the process with the other hand. Do this alternatively for about 10 times minimum and then keep increasing with practice.

Krishna Pose

This is one of the most interesting exercises where you get to practice being Lord Krishna yourself.

Bring your hands in Infront of you and fold the first three fingers and the thumb of your left hand and all the four fingers of your right hand. Now, open only the little finger of your left hand and thumb of the right hand. Keep alternating your little finger and thumb between both your hands. Repeat this exercise for at least 10times and then increase.

These exercises are not the solution to arthritis but will help you relieve the pain and stiffness which makes everyday tasks impossible. Apart from consulting your doctor regularly, keep practicing them for better recovery and take your herbal supplements on regular basis.


Arthritis & Work from Home— Maintaining a Balanced Routine

Although May marks the beginning of arthritis awareness month in the US every year, this seems like a perfect opportunity to shed light on arthritis among adults globally especially during times like these when everyone has to work from home. In the end, it is important to provide the right arthritis-related information to everyone and practice what is preached, in this case— informed.Arthritis is a painful joint disorder that intervenes with a person’s ability to perform daily tasks like walking, standing, or merely sitting because of severe joint inflammation. Disability increases with time and it could result in a debilitating health condition. By spreading awareness about arthritis, you are enlightening yourself about the warning symptoms, causes, preventive measures, and treatment options.

A major cause of this painful joint disorder is a sedentary lifestyle which the pandemic has forced us to lead. The silver lining here is that to defeat this joint disorder, all you need to do is quit the sedentary lifestyle and break the monotony. We should believe things will get back to normal, but more importantly, we must make sure we are at our best selves to enjoy the new normal. This is only possible through awareness. On this note, take a look at the tell-tale signs (of) and possible preventive measures for arthritis.

Early Signs of Arthritis 

  • Morning stiffness

If you are suffering from the stiffness that lasts for several minutes in the morning, it is an indicator of arthritis.  Without proper treatment and prevention, it could worsen with time.

  • Fatigue

Working from home and doing your routine domestic chores could tire you for some time. A busy schedule results in exhaustion. However, extreme fatigue that stays for days or weeks could be an early sign of arthritis.

  • Joint pain

It is the most common sign of arthritis and one should be careful in observing one. If it is followed by joint tenderness or stiffness, it is a clear sign of arthritis; the most common sites being wrists and fingers.

  • Fever

Monitor yourself if you have mild fever along with other symptoms. Body temperature that records more than 100°F (38°C) could also be a sign of infection in this day and age. Nevertheless, it would be best to monitor your health.

  • Numbness

Inflammation and common flare-ups can put pressure on your nerves. This results in tingling, numbness, and a burning feeling in your hand. Also, if you hear slight crackling or squeaking noise in your joints, you should get it checked.

  • Unnoticeable Signs

There are some other signs and symptoms of arthritis that seem harmless but are indications of arthritis-

  • Dry mouth
  • Weight loss
  • Chest pain
  • Eye discharge
  • General weakness
  • Loss of appetite

How to Balance Your Work from Home Life?

The routines might seem different now and it could also disrupt your daily regime. As abnormal as it seems, it can work in your favor if you balance it accordingly. Especially, if you are prone to arthritis, you need to keep your routine structured. Take a look-

  • Make sure there is an end to your work. Just because you are in your comfort zone, doesn’t imply that you have to needlessly take up more work. It would only strain your wrists, fingers, and joints. Make sure to physically end your day or ask a family member to switch off your system after a given time.
  • Stay connected with your friends and colleagues through zoom calls. Catch up with them and initiate positive conversations that keep you uplifted throughout the day.
  • Look for communities that help people deal with arthritis. Talking and conversing about at-home care and treatment with like-minded people will help you through this phase.
  • Invest in a comfortable chair and desk, as someone vulnerable to arthritis, you must make your joint health a priority. Place your system at an adequate height so that you don’t strain your neck, shoulder, wrist, or fingers.
  • Make sure you are not working from your bed or slouching on the recliner. It seems the comfortable option at first, but it only leads to joint pain and stiffness.
  • Don’t forget to take regular breaks, make sure to walk for five minutes every hour. Do not sit or slouch for long hours. If your work keeps you occupied, do gentle stretching from time to time.
  • Another great idea to remain active while working is to walk while you get a phone call.
  • Take out time for your family, and most importantly, yourself. Do light exercises or Yoga; either of which seems easier and manageable for you.
  • Often a common habit while working from home, which seems harmless at first, is to prefer take-outs over home-cooked food. Don’t break the routine. Cook for yourself; plan and prepare nutritious meals, rich in protein and vitamins. Most importantly, eat on time.
  • While you follow all the above tips, make sure to keep your doctor informed about your routine, diet, and activities.

During these unprecedented times, another challenge like arthritis is not the easiest way to spend your days working from home. Nevertheless, your safety is in your hands, being home might safeguard you from COVID-19 but being home and following the tips mentioned above would help you take care of arthritis while you work from home.

Arthritis Self-Care: 5 Healthy & Easy Anti-Inflammatory Recipes

Arthritis results from the inflammation of joints in our body. Around 200 conditions are affecting our joints and their connecting tissues and are called rheumatic conditions. Arthritis patients often go through a lot of pain and stiffness along with swelling in their joints. These symptoms can occur either suddenly or over a period that can also involve many organs of the body and the immune system.

One of the most important things along with getting proper treatments while suffering from arthritis is taking charge of it yourself, and looking for options of self-care at home. This starts by understanding what kind of diet and meals are important.

These meals should be anti-inflammatory and should work on boosting your immune system and strengthening your bones. But more than all these things these meals should be tasty and full of nutrition.

Below are some healthy recipes that you can try at home for all four meals.

Oat porridge with fruits

Oat porridge


  • Take 1 cup of oats (use gluten-free if possible) add the oats to a saucepan over medium heat to toast. Keep stirring the pan every 2-3 minutes till it is done.
  • Now take 3 cups of water and bring to a boil. After reducing the heat to a simmer, add the oats and cook for another 25 minutes until they are tender. Now, add a little milk or any dairy-free alternative as per your choice. Add a pinch of salt to the oats and top it with some fresh fruits, some almonds (sliced would be better), pumpkin seeds, and any other nuts or seeds of your choice. Sprinkle some maple syrup or any sweetener of your taste and eat it up!

Scrambled eggs with turmeric

Scrambled eggs


  • Take 3 white or brown organic eggs, whisk them and add a pinch of freshly grated turmeric, a spoon of chia seeds, a pinch of sea salt, some coconut milk and set aside.
  • Now take 1 teaspoon of the olive oil you have at home and pour it into a pan on low heat. Take around 100 g of baby spinach leaves either in full form or chopped and add it to the pan sautéing it gently for around 30 seconds until it’s cooked and then remove the cooked spinach from the heat and keep it aside in a bowl.
  • Heat the same pan with another teaspoon of olive oil and let it heat over a medium flame. As soon as the oil is hot, pour the whisked eggs gently stir through them till they start to set and become a little creamy. Now add the spinach and cook thoroughly.

Pineapple smoothie

Pineapple Smoothie


  • Take some bananas, pineapples, kale, honey, Greek yogurt, almond milk, and peanut butter for your ingredients as they are rich in fiber and protein. Add them to your blender and blend until smooth.
  • If you have a regular blender than a smoothie maker, start by adding almond milk and kale first. Once they are blended properly then start adding one ingredient at a time.
  • Depending on the thickness, you can add almond milk or ice to give it the texture you want.

Baby spinach and mushroom frittata

Spinach and Mushroom


  • To make baby spinach and mushroom frittata, you will need 6 white or brown organic eggs, ¼ cup or 250 ml of milk, and one cup of cheese cheddar. Take a large bowl, put the eggs and some milk and whisk them until smooth, add some cheese and season it with some salt and a pinch of pepper. Once done, keep the bowl on the side.
  • But before starting your preparations, preheat your oven to 180 °C (350 °F) with the tray in the center and buttering a 20-cm (8-inch) square baking dish.
  • Now take one onion and chop it thinly along with 4-5 mushrooms that are sliced. Take a pan, add some butter around 3 tablespoons, add the chopped onions and sauté them till they are brown. Now add the sliced mushrooms and continue sauteing. Add some baby spinach and continue cooking while stirring for a minute or more till it’s cooked. Add some salt and pepper.
  • Now, put the mushroom and spinach mixture into the egg mixture. Keep stirring while you pour into the baking dish. Bake your frittata for 25 minutes or until it’s light browned and puffed. Now, cut the frittata into squares. Remove the squares and place them on a plate and serve warm or cold.

Sweet potato black bean burger



  • To prepare this amazing and healthy burger, you will need ½ cup of quinoa which needs to be washed with cold water then boil in a pan on low flame for about 15 minutes. Remove the mater, separate the grains with a fork and let them set aside to cool down.
  • Now, take one large sweet potato and poke it several times with a fork. Place the poked potato in the microwave and cook it for about 4 minutes till it is soft and thorough. (Don’t overcook the sweet potato as it will get hard otherwise). You can also roast these potatoes in an oven at about 400 degrees F for 30 minutes until they are tender. Now, remove the skin once they are cool.
  • Take a bowl and add a cup of black beans, cooked sweet potato, ½ cup of diced red onions, ½ cup of chopped cilantro, 2 cloves of garlic, a teaspoon of cumin, 2 teaspoons of Cajun seasoning spicy, and put them in a grinder and grind until the batter is ready.
  • Now, mix both the mixture and the quinoa, adding salt and pepper for taste, and mix some oat flour that is enough help to create patties. Divide this mixture into 6 patties and place them in the refrigerator for 30 mins. This will help the patties to bind.
  • To create the avocado-cilantro cream, take the food processor bowl, put ¼ cup of sour cream or Greek yogurt, ½ large diced avocado, c2 tablespoon of chopped cilantro, and one tablespoon of lime juice. Process them together till they are smooth adding a pinch of salt to taste. You can place the Sause in the fridge till you prepare the burgers.
  • Now to prepare the burgers, heat the pan on medium heat and spray it with either coconut or olive or canola oil. Now, place in your skillets and pan-fry for about 3-4 minutes on each side until they are golden brown.
  • Your burgers are ready to serve with buns, some sprouts, cream, and any desired toppings of your choice.

Try these easy-to-cook and healthy recipes that will help you look after your health. These recipes are anti-inflammatory and will help you boost your immune system and strengthen your bones.

Can You Be Cured of Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Today, let’s discuss the most common question that troubles everyone suffering from arthritis— Do I have to live my entire life with inflammation and joint pain of rheumatoid arthritis?

According to medical journals and statisticsWorldwide, the annual incidence of RA is approximately 3 cases per 10,000 population, and the prevalence rate is approximately 1%, increasing with age and peaking between the ages of 35 and 50 years.

The way we see it, it cannot be declared that rheumatoid arthritis has no cure. It is possible to eliminate its symptoms as its severity and effects waxes and wanes. So even if it does not cure, it does go into remission. Although the duration and outcomes of the treatment could vary from person to person, the symptoms would, in any case, lose their effects.

Although rheumatoid arthritis is considered a progressive disease, it does not progress the same way in all people. It could range from very mild to severe symptoms and accordingly, you can cure this health condition.

How Does Arthritis Change Lives?

Living with arthritis is not easy, it can get quite challenging. It affects your way of life some or the other way. It does affect your everyday regime, and relationships with your friends, family, and society. This is why it is important to understand its repercussions and deal with it the right way.

Now that you are aware that it is a progressive disease, it is important to know that there a lot of things that you as someone suffering from arthritis can cope with, change, and overcome just by bringing lifestyle changes. Also, symptoms of arthritis can be cured through herbal supplements for joint pain.

So, before you dwell on research on joint health and inflammation, you must know that arthritis does change your life but you can turn things around through the right medications, self-care activities, right diet, joint protection techniques, regular exercises, and most importantly, a positive attitude.

When to Ask for Help?

You are the best judge to decide that. It would be best to ask for help when you need it the most. Although it is important to consult professionals, it is equally important to be self-reliant. Nevertheless, you will be requiring assistance at some point, and it is okay to ask for help. Health community agencies, medical professionals, physiotherapists, religious groups, and nurses are close at hand ready to assist you in this journey.

It is important to ask for help as there will be a lot of things in the beginning that you will be unable to do. This is all the more vital for activities that require stress on the joints. Also, it is necessary for you to admit and acknowledge the life with arthritis; this would also help your family and friends understand your lifestyle better.

Also, there will be times when your family and friends would feel overwhelmed or react strongly due to your condition. This is possible when they will be distanced and shut out from you, therefore, allow them to help you. It would be best to share your troubles with them, tell them about the amount the stiffness and pain in your joints especially if there is a pattern. For instance, if the pain is severe in the evenings and better in the morning, rate the intensity of the pain from one to ten, make sure to understand the variations in the pain by sharing them with a professional.

It is good to be independent, but do involve your friends and family in doing chores and making arrangements for a new lifestyle for you. Your colleagues, friends, and family should be able to understand if they have to make alternations to a plan at your convenience. This journey, although possible without help, is incomplete without assistance.

How to Cope with Arthritis?

As someone who is in their initial stage of arthritis, you must know that coping skills must be learned and practiced to get yourself safely on this journey. You can turn around your life with a healthy lifestyle and mindset. Consider medications and consultations as external aids, the real help for you are your habits and attitude.

Apart from arthritis, there are a lot of challenges that a common man faces in their daily life.  This could lead to stress, pain, depression, anxiety, etc. The biggest challenge while coping with arthritis is that these problems would continue to trouble you. Therefore, make your mental health a priority as it will help you overcome stress and anxiety. The best way to deal with these feelings is to let them out and share them with your friends and family.
Make sure to include light exercises and a healthy diet in your regime. There are certain foods such as sugar, gluten, fried items, red meat, etc. that are considered bad as they could lead to inflammation in the body. Meditate every day or perform mental exercises to help you cope with the struggles and challenges.

Another great way to help ease the pain, regardless of it being physical or mental is to join groups and communities. It is great to share and hear stories of transformation, and positivity during this journey to keep you uplifted throughout.

The Bottom Line

Living with arthritis is not easy, but it is possible with utter determination and dedication to improving. There may not be a medical cure to eliminate arthritis completely. However, each day gets better and pain-free, if you choose to lead in a positive direction.

Your Guide to cure Arthritis at home in 2021

Only a person suffering from arthritis knows that the pain is not limited to joint pain. The challenges vary from your daily tasks to the way you look or the way society perceives you. You could be demotivated by the shape of your joints or the texture of your skin. Although others will not be able to notice it, it is not the most encouraging aspect of living with arthritis to see your body changing due to this health condition.

There are so many facilities, communities ordained to help people suffering from arthritis. Despite that, you are the only person who can manage arthritis exceptionally well. It’s you who can bring the change and transformation in your life while living with and not suffering from arthritis.

Of course, it would include medical professionals and a support system for assistance but you need to work as a team for a better you. You could monitor yourself every day and report it to your doctor for better treatment and results.

Among other challenges, there is a bigger challenge with the pandemic upon us. With most people staying indoors and working from home, you need to learn skills that could help you mentally and physically. This would include a lot of problem-solving methods and symptom management skills that you need to adopt and practice to help cure arthritis at home.

Since you’re going to spend a lot of time at home, you must learn how to carefully do all the daily chores so that you do not stress your joints.

This is only possible by good body mechanics and overcoming problem-solving inhibitions. Take a look!

Good Body Postures 

  • Your spine should be able to support you while remaining stable when you sit. So make sure you always use a rolled-up towel or firm pillows to support your lower back. Make sure to always keep your arms and shoulders relaxed when you sit. Make sure to always keep your wrist straight. Always choose to sit in a high chair with adjustable positions to sit straight and comfortably. Make sure to avoid neck strain while you read a book or use your phone.
  • When you stand, make sure to always stand straight. The correct position for your body while you stand would be to hold your shoulders back, bend your knees slightly, always stand with your feet apart, tuck your chin in, tighten your core muscles and keep your hips tucked. If you can’t stand straight for a longer time lean against a wall but don’t slouch.
  • While you sleep, make sure to maintain correct posture even then. If you rest on your back then use a cervical pillow. This would not stress your neck muscles. Refrain from using pillows under your knees. If you sleep on your side then use a body pillow to support your legs and arms.
  • When lifting something heavy on the ground level, lift it by bending your knees and gradually straightening your legs while you pick the object. Keep your back straight throughout. It would be best however to roll or slide the object if possible.

Weight Management 

  • Since most of your time will be spent indoors you will be leading a sedentary lifestyle mostly. This should be avoided. Weight gain would lead to more stress on your feet, back, hips, and knees. This would lead to severe joint pain and further damage. In fact, this is the best time to take charge and join a weight loss program that includes a proper diet and exercise regime. It would not only help you combat the symptoms but also increase your energy.
  • The way to a healthy weight loss is by striking a balance between your leisurely activities, cravings, and regime. Especially with arthritis, never overdo your exercises. Keep your day relaxed and well managed. At the end of the day, you should not feel exhausted or over-exerted.

Planning & Organizing 

  • If you stay alone, it would be best to keep the required tools and equipment at an accessible reach. Keep your storage areas organized.
  • It would be best to organize your day and pre-plan something such as meals and activities so that there is no last-minute inconvenience. Use more electric appliances so that you are not stressing your joints every time for a chore.
  • If you happen to have kids and a big family then give them duties such as sorting clothes in the laundry baskets or folding or dusting the house. Make sure that you do not do all the work by yourself.

Daily attire and activities 

  • You must always wear loose-fitting clothes. The larger the neck holes and armholes the better.
  • Shoes keep you active. So even if you are at home and handling routine chores, make sure to wear good walking shoes that possibly have a velcro closure.
  • Do not hold the newspaper to read. Make sure to lay it open on the table to easily read it.
  • Always use a footrest while sitting to support your joints.
  • Refrain from sitting for prolonged hours in areas with artificial cooling.

To conclude, it is challenging to remain home and treat arthritis. However, it is not impossible, all you need is a positive attitude and a healthy lifestyle.  Amidst these challenges, Ayurvedic supplements for arthritis can be trusted along with your lifestyle changes to cure arthritis at home.